As provided for in our Charter, this organization shall be known as Ravens Roost No. 50 (Council of Baltimore Ravens Roosts) of Carney, Baltimore County, Maryland, Inc., hereinafter referred to as “the Roost.”
A. The Roost shall be a members’ club, supported by members’ participation and dues, and shall not be for profit. The Roosts shall use its funds only to accomplish the objectives and purposes specified in its charter, and no part of said funds should be distributed to members of this Roost. In the event of dissolution, all funds of the Roost shall be distributed to charity according to the wishes of the remaining members.
B. The objectives and purposes of this Roost are:
B. The objectives and purposes of this Roost are:
- To unite, in the bonds of fellowship, persons who are interested in the promotion of professional (pro) football in the Baltimore area, to mutually benefit its members through discussion of the great game of pro football, to use its best effort to promote football excursions during the football season, and to provide other encouragement for the advancement and promotion of football in Baltimore, Maryland,
- To provide and promote social events for the benefit of the members and their families,
- To acquire and maintain real estate, if possible, for the purpose of carrying out the afore-mentioned purposes, and
- To contribute, monetarily or otherwise and whenever possible, to those charities as determined by the Board of Directors (the Board) and/or the Membership.
C. The Roost shall not engage in any partisan political activities nor endorse any political candidate.
A. The President, Vice-President, the Board Chairperson, or a committee shall have the authority to investigate locations and negotiate with the management of potential meeting places all details, arrangements, and prices as may be deemed necessary. All final decisions are subject to a vote of the Membership.
B. The President shall designate the Executive Office and address.
The Officers of the Roost shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant at Arms.
B. No Officer may hold more than one (1) elected office.
B. No Officer may hold more than one (1) elected office.
- All outgoing Officers must turn over to their successors all files, records, and communications that they accumulated in pursuit of their respective duties. This must be done within two (2) weeks of the election.
- In the event any Officer misses three (3) Board meetings during the course of their term without just cause, the President shall have the authority to deem them unable to fulfill their duties, will consider their office to be vacated, and shall appoint someone in their stead. See F.7, below. If it is the President who misses three (3) Board meetings without just cause, the Board Chairperson shall declare the position vacant and the Vice-President will assume the office. See G.2, below. Any Officer who is asked to vacate an office shall be ineligible to run for any position in the next election.
E. Any Officer who has been suspended shall be removed from that office and replaced.
- It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all Membership meetings of the Roost. The Order of Business shall be conducted as per ARTICLE XI.
- He/she shall decide questions of order, subject to appeal by the Roost.
- The President shall serve as a member of the Board.
- He/she is responsible for seeing that he/she or his/her appointed representative attends all meetings of the Council of Baltimore Ravens Roosts as may be required by the Council.
- He/she can countersign all checks drawn against the Roost’s Treasury.
- Should the Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Sergeant at Arms become temporarily incapacitated, the President, with the approval of the Board, shall be empowered to fill the vacancy by appointment. The appointee shall serve only until the elected Officer is able to resume his/her duties. If the President is incapacitated, see ARTICLE IV.G.2. A temporary vacancy shall be defined as no more than ninety (90) days.
- If, for any reason, an Officer cannot finish his/her term of office, the President shall be empowered to fill the vacancy by appointment of an At-Large Board member, subject to majority approval of the Board at the next regular Board meeting. Said term will expire as indicated in the original term of office.
- In the case of an At-Large Board member vacancy, the President shall appoint an interim Board member, subject to the approval of the Membership, until an emergency election can take place. If the next general election falls within six (6) months, the appointee shall fulfill the remainder of the term.
- Shall serve on the Board.
- The Vice-President shall, in the absence of the President, be vested with all of the powers of the President. In the case of the death or resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall act as President until the next scheduled election of Officers.
- He/she shall assist the President in the discharge of his/her duties.
- He/she can countersign all checks drawn against the Roost’s Treasury.
- Shall serve on the Board.
- It shall be his/her duty to keep a correct record of the proceedings of all Membership meetings of the Roost.
- As Secretary to the Board, he/she shall keep all records of the proceedings of the Board.
- He/she shall notify the Chairperson of all matters referred to the Board for consideration at each meeting and of all members who wish to attend said meeting.
- The Secretary shall send out all official notices when required to do so by the President or the Board.
- He/she shall be responsible for compilation of all business correspondence for the Roost.
- The Secretary shall notify the Board and the Grievance Committee of any written complaints requesting disciplinary action. He/she shall maintain in a separate file a compilation of all disciplinary proceedings that may be reviewed by the general Membership upon request.
- He/she can countersign all checks drawn against the Roost’s Treasury.
- A member may be appointed by the Secretary to assist him/her as needed.
- Shall serve on the Board.
- It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all monies accruing from all sources and shall deposit any money on hand as soon as possible.
- He/she shall keep a regular account of monies received and paid by the Roost.
- He/she shall pay all invoices against the Roost. He/she shall pay no money without a proper invoice or receipt. When Roost funds are needed for the beginning operations of a Roost fundraiser, event, etc., the Treasurer shall require the Roost member that receives an advance to sign an acknowledgement that they have (1) received the advance and (2) committed to turn in receipts for all expenses paid for with the advance. He/she shall keep a compilation of all invoices and receipts.
- He/she shall prepare and present a detailed and accurate statement of all receipts and expenditures at each regular meeting of the Board and upon request of the Membership.
- He/she must countersign all checks drawn against the Roost’s Treasury. In the case of an unforeseen event where the Treasurer is unavailable, two other Officers shall sign the checks. He/she shall be permitted to use the Roost check card(s) to pay Roost bills/invoices in lieu of writing checks.
- Each year, ideally in February, the Treasurer shall present the following items to the Audit Committee for review: Ledger, Bankbook, Receipts and Invoices, Bank Statements, and Disbursements for the entire previous year for all Roost accounts. If deemed necessary, the Audit Committee shall review these records more often than annually.
- Shall serve on the Board.
- It shall be his/her duty to preserve decorum at all meetings.
- He/she shall be responsible for maintaining an attendance list at each meeting, as well as a list of guests. This information will be turned over to the Membership Committee for compilation.
- He/she can countersign all checks drawn against the Roost’s Treasury.
A. The Roost shall have a Board consisting of twelve (12) members:
- The five (5) Officers listed in Article IV and seven (7) At-Large Board members that shall be elected by the Membership.
- The At-Large members shall be elected at the March meeting in the following manner:
- four (4) At-Large members elected one (1) year, and three (3) At-Large members elected the following year.
- Their tenure of office shall be two (2) years.
- No At-Large Board member shall hold another elective office.
- The Board shall meet at least once each month.
- If any At-Large Board member misses four (4) Board meetings without just cause in any twelve (12) month period during his/her term, the President shall have the authority to deem him/her unable to fulfill their duties, consider their office to be vacated, and shall appoint someone in their stead. See ARTICLE IV.F.8. Any At-Large Board member who is asked to vacate their office shall be ineligible to run for any position in the next election.
- All sessions except Closed Sessions of the Board and its Committees shall be open to the general Membership. The Board and its Committees may, upon majority vote of the Board, meet in Closed Session to consider and act upon any matter that the Board deems appropriate. After such a session, the business conducted there shall be reflected in the Minutes of the meeting and shall be available to the general Membership for inspection during regular Membership meetings.
- Members who attend a Board meeting shall be admitted for the purpose of observation only and may not participate in discussion of any matters pending before the Board, unless invited to do so by the Board. Under no circumstances shall said member participate in any vote taken by the Board at that meeting.
- Members who desire to appear before the Board to discuss or initiate a subject within the Board’s jurisdiction shall submit their request in writing to the Secretary. This request must be received at least three (3) days prior to the scheduled meeting of the Board. The Chairperson, in consultation with the President, may place the requested item on the agenda or reject it, notifying the member of the reason for his/her decision. The Chairperson may refer any such request to an appropriate Committee.
Upon successful completion of his/her term, the outgoing President automatically becomes the Immediate Past-President for the term of one (1) year, during which time he/she becomes a non-voting member of the Board. Should the term of the Immediate Past-President expire, or if the outgoing President declines to take the position of Immediate Past-President, the position shall remain vacant until the next outgoing President assumes this position.
C. A transition meeting will be held in the weeks following the election. This meeting shall take place even if the same Board members are returning to office. The purpose of this meeting is to set goals for the governing body to achieve in the upcoming year.
D. The Chairperson of the Board shall be determined by a majority vote at the Board meeting in April. The entire Board shall choose one of the seven (7) At-Large members as Chairperson. The Chairperson can countersign checks drawn against our Treasury.
E. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
F. The Board shall have general supervision and control of the affairs of the Roost. They shall take charge of Roost property, control the budget, monitor Committee functions, and perform other such duties usually pertaining to this office. They shall monitor and govern the conduct of Roost Membership in accordance with these By-Laws.
G. If a member of the Board sees an apparent grievable offence, they should encourage the potentially grieved person of their right to file a grievance and is required to inform the Board of this incident.
H. The Board may, by majority vote, suspend the duties of one of it members if warranted or requested. This temporary suspension of duties shall not be longer than thirty (30) days without an official investigation.
I. An At-Large Board member who has been suspended shall be removed from office and replaced.
J. The Board Chairperson shall announce to the general Membership any incidents deemed by the Grievance Committee to be valid, their recommendation to the Board on discipline, and the disciplinary action taken by the Board.
K. It is the duty of the Board to develop ways and means to benefit the Roost.
L. The Board, with the approval of the Membership, shall establish the yearly dues to be paid by each Active member. Notification of the amount must be posted in at least one (1) newsletter prior to submittal for approval.
M. The Board shall establish a policy for cancellations and/or postponements of meetings.
C. A transition meeting will be held in the weeks following the election. This meeting shall take place even if the same Board members are returning to office. The purpose of this meeting is to set goals for the governing body to achieve in the upcoming year.
D. The Chairperson of the Board shall be determined by a majority vote at the Board meeting in April. The entire Board shall choose one of the seven (7) At-Large members as Chairperson. The Chairperson can countersign checks drawn against our Treasury.
E. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
F. The Board shall have general supervision and control of the affairs of the Roost. They shall take charge of Roost property, control the budget, monitor Committee functions, and perform other such duties usually pertaining to this office. They shall monitor and govern the conduct of Roost Membership in accordance with these By-Laws.
G. If a member of the Board sees an apparent grievable offence, they should encourage the potentially grieved person of their right to file a grievance and is required to inform the Board of this incident.
H. The Board may, by majority vote, suspend the duties of one of it members if warranted or requested. This temporary suspension of duties shall not be longer than thirty (30) days without an official investigation.
I. An At-Large Board member who has been suspended shall be removed from office and replaced.
J. The Board Chairperson shall announce to the general Membership any incidents deemed by the Grievance Committee to be valid, their recommendation to the Board on discipline, and the disciplinary action taken by the Board.
K. It is the duty of the Board to develop ways and means to benefit the Roost.
L. The Board, with the approval of the Membership, shall establish the yearly dues to be paid by each Active member. Notification of the amount must be posted in at least one (1) newsletter prior to submittal for approval.
M. The Board shall establish a policy for cancellations and/or postponements of meetings.
A. At the November Board meeting, the Board shall approve an Election Committee of five (5) members who are not seeking an elected position.
B. Nominations must be made and nominees must furnish their consent in writing by the close of the January meeting. In the event the January meeting is cancelled, a nomination and a written consent must be sent to the Roost Post Office (P.O.) Box and postmarked by midnight, January 31st. In order to be included on the ballot, all nominees must be members in good standing for a minimum of four (4) months before the close of the nominations. A Roost member in good standing who is also a dues paying member of any other pro football fan club is not eligible to hold an Officer or At-Large Board member position of the Roost.
B. Nominations must be made and nominees must furnish their consent in writing by the close of the January meeting. In the event the January meeting is cancelled, a nomination and a written consent must be sent to the Roost Post Office (P.O.) Box and postmarked by midnight, January 31st. In order to be included on the ballot, all nominees must be members in good standing for a minimum of four (4) months before the close of the nominations. A Roost member in good standing who is also a dues paying member of any other pro football fan club is not eligible to hold an Officer or At-Large Board member position of the Roost.
3. This Committee shall submit its lists of qualified candidates at the Board meeting held in February. The names of the nominees will be published in the February newsletter and announced at the February Membership meeting.
4. The election of the Officers and the At-Large Board members shall be held at the Membership meeting in March, and they shall assume their duties at the April Board meeting. In the event that the March meeting is cancelled, the elections shall be held in the April meeting and newly elected board officers shall assume their duties in May.
4. The election of the Officers and the At-Large Board members shall be held at the Membership meeting in March, and they shall assume their duties at the April Board meeting. In the event that the March meeting is cancelled, the elections shall be held in the April meeting and newly elected board officers shall assume their duties in May.
E. Only those members in good standing prior to the election shall be entitled to cast one vote for each position to be filled. Vote shall be by secret ballot. Absentee ballots will be allowed, but they must be sent to the Roost P.O. Box and be received no later than the day of the election. Official Absentee Ballot Authorization Forms will be made available upon request. They also will be available at the Officers’ table starting with the November meeting.
F. The Election Committee will tally the votes and the results of the election will be announced before the end of the meeting.
F. The Election Committee will tally the votes and the results of the election will be announced before the end of the meeting.
- The candidate(s) receiving the most votes will be declared the winner(s).
- In the case of a tie, there will be an immediate run-off vote. Absentee ballots shall be counted as submitted.
- After the results of the election are announced, ballots will be made available to the candidates for review until the end of that meeting.
- Should any nominee(s) running for elected office run unopposed, their name(s) must appear on the ballot. The Chairperson of the Election Committee will declare them elected by casting a single vote for them.
1. Committees are small groups of members with special duties.
B. The President shall appoint all Committee Chairpersons, with the exception of the By-Laws, Election, and Grievance Committees. These three (3) shall each elect their own Chairperson.
C. All Committees shall operate within the budget as prescribed by the Board.
B. The President shall appoint all Committee Chairpersons, with the exception of the By-Laws, Election, and Grievance Committees. These three (3) shall each elect their own Chairperson.
C. All Committees shall operate within the budget as prescribed by the Board.
4. Committees must turn over all pertinent files to the Board within thirty (30) days from which the Committee has completed its events for the Roost year. All records are considered the property of the Roost and must be turned over in original form (no photocopies).
5. Additional Committees may be created when deemed necessary.
6. In the event that enough members do not volunteer, the President may select Committee members. He/she will then bring the matter before the general Membership for a vote of approval. A Roost member in good standing who is also a dues paying member of any other pro football club is not eligible to be a member of the Audit, Bylaws, Election, or Grievance Committees.
7. Standing Committees shall be as follows:
Audit Entertainment & Media Grievance
By-Laws Fellowship Historical
Charity Food Membership
Election Fundraising Travel and Council Convention
5. Additional Committees may be created when deemed necessary.
6. In the event that enough members do not volunteer, the President may select Committee members. He/she will then bring the matter before the general Membership for a vote of approval. A Roost member in good standing who is also a dues paying member of any other pro football club is not eligible to be a member of the Audit, Bylaws, Election, or Grievance Committees.
7. Standing Committees shall be as follows:
Audit Entertainment & Media Grievance
By-Laws Fellowship Historical
Charity Food Membership
Election Fundraising Travel and Council Convention
- The Audit Committee shall consist of two (2) or more members in good standing appointed by the Board. No Board member shall be a member of this Committee.
- Their duties shall be to audit a random sampling of the following: Ledger, Bankbook, Receipts and Invoices, Bank Statements, and Disbursements. This audit will be performed annually, ideally in February or more often if deemed necessary.
- The By-Laws Committee shall consist of three (3) or more members in good standing and shall be approved by the Board. No more than one-third (1/3) of this Committee shall consist of Board members.
- This Committee’s duties shall consist of taking any requested changes to the By-Laws into consideration.
- This Committee shall see that any prospective changes be handled in accordance with ARTICLE XIII of these By-Laws and all forms shall be archived after approval or denial by the Membership.
- This Committee shall see that all changes or amendments to the By-Laws are properly recorded and that all members are notified of any such changes or amendments.
- This Committee shall act as the Roost Parliamentarian.
- No member of this Committee can be removed except by a vote of the Membership.
- The Charity Committee shall consist of two (2) or more members in good standing and shall be appointed by the Board.
- This Committee’s duty shall be to become an advocate of worthwhile charities in the community.
- This Committee will bring attention to these charities through monthly meeting highlights, collaborating with other organizations dealing with those charities, or other methods they deem appropriate.
- The purpose of the Election Committee is to administer the election. It shall consist of five (5) members in good standing that are not on the Board and are not running for office. The Board shall approve them.
- No member on this Committee can be removed except by a vote of the Membership.
- At the October meeting the Election Committee will be formed. At the November Membership meeting, they will start accepting nominations of qualified members in good standing, along with their acceptance in writing.
- In December and January, a report will be given on the number of nominations for each open position.
- At the January meeting, they will announce that it is the final opportunity to run for office.
- The Election Committee will ensure that no member runs for more than one (1) elected office.
- The Election Committee will develop a process for Absentee Ballots but, at a minimum, the
- Absentee Ballot must be signed and dated by the member who is submitting it.
- The Chairperson of this Committee is required to pick up all nominations from our P.O. Box in early February, when applicable (see ARTICLE VI.B), keeping in mind that nominations postmarked after January 31st will not be allowed. He/she will also get all Absentee Ballots from the P.O. Box on the day of the election.
- The Election Committee will tally the votes and the results of the election will be announced before the end of the March meeting. The candidate(s) receiving the most votes will be declared the winner(s).
- If after one (1) runoff vote, the candidates remain tied, all members of the Election Committee shall abstain from the second runoff vote to break the deadlock.
- The Chairperson will cast one (1) vote for those running unopposed.
- The Election Committee will assure that no member votes more than once.
- The Chairperson shall administer the Oath of Office to all newly elected Officers and At-Large Board Members before the close of the March meeting. The Oath of Office is as follows:
I, (state names) do solemnly promise that I will faithfully execute the Office of
(state offices) for Ravens Roost 50 and will to the best of my ability preserve,
protect, and ensure that the provisions of the By-Laws of Ravens Roost 50
are enforced and respected. I will endeavor to see that everyone adheres to all decisions of the Board of Directors. - The Election Committee’s term shall expire following the administration of the Oath of Office. A new Election Committee will be formed before each year’s election.
- The Entertainment and Media Committee shall consist of one (1) or more members in good standing appointed by the Board.
- The duties of this Committee shall be to provide guest speakers, films, or other activities for the entertainment or enlightenment of the Membership at our regular monthly meetings.
- This Committee shall coordinate with other Committees and shall furnish press releases to local TV and newspaper media concerning Roost events. They will also arrange for press coverage when requested.
- This Committee shall be responsible for gathering information and publishing the monthly Roost newsletter.
- The Fellowship Committee shall consist of one (1) or more members in good standing and shall be appointed by the Board.
- This Committee shall send expressions of get-well wishes or condolences to Roost members or their families, as suggested by our members.
- The Food Committee shall consist of two (2) or more members in good standing and shall be appointed by the Board.
- Their duties shall be to coordinate and supervise the refreshments for each Membership meeting.
- The Fund-Raising Committee shall consist of two (2) or more members in good standing and shall be appointed by the Board.
- They shall oversee all fund-raising endeavors.
- They shall be responsible for obtaining grants from outside sources and foundations.
- The records of all details, costs, and funds received from each affair will be turned over to the Chairperson of the Board.
- The Grievance Committee shall consist of eight (8) members in good standing and shall be approved by the Board.
- Their duties shall consist of investigating all complaints, charges, or incidents involving the
Roost or a Roost member at Roost-sanctioned or Council events. Complaints or charges shall be made in writing and must be signed. - They shall advise the Board of any complaints, charges, or incidents that they are investigating. The Committee may request suspension of duties pending investigation of charges against a Board member. No Board member shall be a member of this committee.
- The Grievance Committee members shall recuse themselves from any incidents involving themselves, their relatives, or individuals to whom they feel they cannot be impartial. Members of the committee may temporarily remove another Committee member from an investigation by a majority vote if they believe that Committee member cannot be impartial.
- They shall determine if complaints, charges, or incidents are founded or unfounded by interviewing all affected parties.
- The Grievance Committee will work in conjunction with the By-Laws Committee when required.
- They will only meet when a formal complaint has been made.
- The Grievance Committee will not meet with the Board until the conclusion of an investigation. At that time, they will report to the Board and will provide their recommendation on any potential disciplinary action, in accordance with ARTICLE X. Factors influencing recommended disciplinary action shall include the severity of the incident, whether or not the Roost image has been damaged, and/or any other pertinent information.
- A final report detailing the incident, a timeline of the investigation process, the Grievance Committee’s disciplinary recommendation to the Board, and the action taken by the Board, shall be prepared and submitted to the Secretary for archiving.
- No member of this Committee can be removed except by a vote of the Membership.
- During all investigations, the Grievance Committee shall maintain strict confidentiality on all information gathered during their investigation.
- The Historical Committee shall consist of one (1) or more members in good standing and shall be appointed by the Board.
- Their duties shall consist of gathering stories, newspaper articles, pictures, etc., in order to preserve the history of the Roost
- The Membership Committee shall consist of two (2) or more members in good standing appointed by the Board.
- This Committee shall receive and review completed Membership Applications. They will present these reviewed applications to the General Membership along with their recommendations.
- This Committee shall send out invoices to the Membership for dues renewal, collect said dues from the Membership, record them, and transfer said funds to the Treasurer. They shall keep an accurate debit and credit account of every member of the Roost.
- If the Committee is notified of a Hardship Case, they shall have the authority to allow late payment or nonpayment of dues. Such information will be strictly confidential.
- This Committee shall maintain an up-to-date list of the Membership at all times and shall furnish current copies to the Board at their first meeting after the election, and thereafter upon request. They shall maintain on file an attendance list of both members and guests from each Membership meeting.
- This Committee shall maintain a current list of all Committees and their members.
- This Committee shall maintain a running list of all invited speakers who attend Membership meetings.
- All records shall be kept available for a minimum of two (2) years. After that time, they shall be archived.
b. Take Convention t-shirt orders, collect members’ money, and distribute the t-shirts.
c. Give members information on placing ads in the Convention program. Collect the funds for any ads that are placed.
d. Collect patron ads from the members along with the money for them.
e. Make sure that all forms and monies are turned in to the Council by the Council’s specified deadline.
f. Organize the distribution of Convention goodie bags at the Convention.
g. Purchase and transport all Roost hospitality suite supplies to the Convention.
h. Set up and maintain the Roost’s hospitality suite. This includes developing a schedule, organizing a group of volunteers to watch over it, and keeping it stocked and clean.
i. Solicit member participation in Convention activities.
j. Organize the design, construction, transport, display, tear down, and return of any Roost float entry in the Convention parade.
- The Travel Committee shall consist of two (2) or more members in good standing. They shall be appointed by the Board.
- This Committee shall coordinate and supervise all Roost-sanctioned events involving travel.
- The Committee will organize and coordinate all aspects of the annual Council of Baltimore Ravens Roosts Convention. This will include, but is not limited to, the following:
b. Take Convention t-shirt orders, collect members’ money, and distribute the t-shirts.
c. Give members information on placing ads in the Convention program. Collect the funds for any ads that are placed.
d. Collect patron ads from the members along with the money for them.
e. Make sure that all forms and monies are turned in to the Council by the Council’s specified deadline.
f. Organize the distribution of Convention goodie bags at the Convention.
g. Purchase and transport all Roost hospitality suite supplies to the Convention.
h. Set up and maintain the Roost’s hospitality suite. This includes developing a schedule, organizing a group of volunteers to watch over it, and keeping it stocked and clean.
i. Solicit member participation in Convention activities.
j. Organize the design, construction, transport, display, tear down, and return of any Roost float entry in the Convention parade.
A. Membership in this organization shall consist of two (2) types: Active and Honorary.
- Active Membership is one that is given to members that are elected to the Roost. They will have full voting rights and are allowed to attend all Roost events.
- Honorary Membership may be conferred upon any person who has rendered distinguished service in areas in which our organization is interested. They are nominated and elected by the majority vote of the members present at any meeting. Honorary members do not pay dues but shall have all the privileges of the Roost, except those of voting and holding office. They shall not be required to take part in the programs of the Roost, but they may volunteer to do so. Honorary members may attend meetings, but have no voice in the proceedings unless invited to speak by the President.
B. Roost membership shall be limited to any interested person 21 years of age or older.
C. Those interested in membership may be sponsored by an Active member in good standing.
Said member must request a Membership Application Packet, which will include the Application Form, a copy of the By-laws, and our Code of Conduct. The applicant must complete, sign, and submit the forms, stating that they will conform to the By-laws of the Roost if elected to membership. If an applicant is without a sponsor, they may apply directly to the Membership Committee.
D. The Membership Committee will notify said applicant as to their Membership status. If the application is approved, they will be notified to attend a regular meeting as soon as possible and they will be introduced to the members present at that meeting. A majority vote of those present shall be required for approval. They will then be introduced as a new member.
C. Those interested in membership may be sponsored by an Active member in good standing.
Said member must request a Membership Application Packet, which will include the Application Form, a copy of the By-laws, and our Code of Conduct. The applicant must complete, sign, and submit the forms, stating that they will conform to the By-laws of the Roost if elected to membership. If an applicant is without a sponsor, they may apply directly to the Membership Committee.
D. The Membership Committee will notify said applicant as to their Membership status. If the application is approved, they will be notified to attend a regular meeting as soon as possible and they will be introduced to the members present at that meeting. A majority vote of those present shall be required for approval. They will then be introduced as a new member.
E. After notification of approval, the applicant has sixty (60) days to accept membership by paying the prorated dues, as determined by the Board. When the applicant pays, he/she will be placed on the Active roster and begin to receive the monthly newsletter.
F. Members are encouraged to attend as many meetings as possible.
G. Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests at all times. Members must see that their guests are properly registered at the door. When a member leaves a meeting, his/her guests must accompany him/her out.
H. Attendance by the same guest will be limited to two (2) meetings. Guests may be denied entrance to a meeting at the discretion of the President because of the matters to be discussed there. Notification of this must be published in the newsletter prior to that meeting.
I. If any member in good standing resigns and later wishes to rejoin the Roost, they must complete a new application form and follow the above procedures.
J. A member who has been expelled from membership for undesirable conduct or violations of the By-Laws shall not be allowed to attend any Roost events.
K. A suspended member is denied entrance to all events of the Roost.
F. Members are encouraged to attend as many meetings as possible.
G. Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests at all times. Members must see that their guests are properly registered at the door. When a member leaves a meeting, his/her guests must accompany him/her out.
H. Attendance by the same guest will be limited to two (2) meetings. Guests may be denied entrance to a meeting at the discretion of the President because of the matters to be discussed there. Notification of this must be published in the newsletter prior to that meeting.
I. If any member in good standing resigns and later wishes to rejoin the Roost, they must complete a new application form and follow the above procedures.
J. A member who has been expelled from membership for undesirable conduct or violations of the By-Laws shall not be allowed to attend any Roost events.
K. A suspended member is denied entrance to all events of the Roost.
A. All new members shall pay their dues at the time of acceptance into the Roost. Renewing members shall pay prior to the last day of February. It can be done at the January or February Membership meeting or by mail postmarked by that date. Both shall give their payments to the Membership Committee.
B. Only those members whose dues are paid in full shall be eligible to cast ballots for the election of Officers and the At-Large Board members.
C. Any member whose dues are past due shall be considered delinquent. A delinquent member shall not be entitled to any privileges of the Roost.
D. After being thirty (30) days past due, a letter will be sent to the member advising them of their
delinquent status and that there will be a $5 late fee added to their payment. It will also inform them that if payment is not postmarked within thirty (30) days from the date of the letter, they will be removed from the Membership Roster.
E. For Hardship Cases, see ARTICLE VII.R.4.
B. Only those members whose dues are paid in full shall be eligible to cast ballots for the election of Officers and the At-Large Board members.
C. Any member whose dues are past due shall be considered delinquent. A delinquent member shall not be entitled to any privileges of the Roost.
D. After being thirty (30) days past due, a letter will be sent to the member advising them of their
delinquent status and that there will be a $5 late fee added to their payment. It will also inform them that if payment is not postmarked within thirty (30) days from the date of the letter, they will be removed from the Membership Roster.
E. For Hardship Cases, see ARTICLE VII.R.4.
A. This article shall govern the disciplinary procedures in the Roost.
B. The Board shall have the authority to censure, to suspend all or any part of the Roost privileges, or to expel any member whose conduct is deemed by the Board to be in violation of these By-Laws.
C. A grievance may be filed by any member against any other member. If a member of the Board sees an apparent grievable offence, they should advise the potentially grieved person of their right to file a grievance.
D. Grievances should be filed as soon as practical after the alleged incident, but it must be within ninety (90) days after the alleged incident has occurred. After the ninety (90) days, a member retains the right to file with the Council of Ravens Roosts.
E. A grievance must be submitted in writing stating specifically the offending individual(s) and the conduct in question. It must be signed by the member filing the grievance and shall be addressed in care of the Grievance Committee and sent to the Roost P.O. Box. It may also be delivered in person to a member of the Grievance Committee.
F. If the grievance is received through the Roost P.O. Box or delivered in person to an Officer or At-Large Board member, it shall be immediately forwarded to the Grievance Committee Chairperson. If a Board member views the contents of the grievance, that information shall be kept strictly confidential.
G. The Grievance Committee shall review a complaint. If it is found to fall within the parameters of these By-Laws, the Committee shall direct the Secretary to contact all parties involved, on Roost letterhead sent via certified mail, no more than thirty (30) days after the Committee’s initial meeting
regarding the complaint. The parties will be advised of the following:
B. The Board shall have the authority to censure, to suspend all or any part of the Roost privileges, or to expel any member whose conduct is deemed by the Board to be in violation of these By-Laws.
C. A grievance may be filed by any member against any other member. If a member of the Board sees an apparent grievable offence, they should advise the potentially grieved person of their right to file a grievance.
D. Grievances should be filed as soon as practical after the alleged incident, but it must be within ninety (90) days after the alleged incident has occurred. After the ninety (90) days, a member retains the right to file with the Council of Ravens Roosts.
E. A grievance must be submitted in writing stating specifically the offending individual(s) and the conduct in question. It must be signed by the member filing the grievance and shall be addressed in care of the Grievance Committee and sent to the Roost P.O. Box. It may also be delivered in person to a member of the Grievance Committee.
F. If the grievance is received through the Roost P.O. Box or delivered in person to an Officer or At-Large Board member, it shall be immediately forwarded to the Grievance Committee Chairperson. If a Board member views the contents of the grievance, that information shall be kept strictly confidential.
G. The Grievance Committee shall review a complaint. If it is found to fall within the parameters of these By-Laws, the Committee shall direct the Secretary to contact all parties involved, on Roost letterhead sent via certified mail, no more than thirty (30) days after the Committee’s initial meeting
regarding the complaint. The parties will be advised of the following:
- The subject of the complaint,
- The name of the person filing the complaint,
- The member’s right to be heard by the Grievance Committee.
- All correspondence by the Secretary and the Grievance Committee during the investigation process will be on official Roost letterhead sent via certified mail.
H. The Grievance Committee shall investigate grievances in accordance with ARTICLE VII.P.
- All parties will be interviewed, in person, within thirty (30) days of the date of the certified letter that the Secretary sends (see letter G, above). There will be a minimum of three (3) Grievance Committee members at each interview. All parties participating in an interview must have an understanding of what is being submitted as “fact.”
- All parties involved may submit a written statement in lieu of an in-person interview. If a person chooses this option, the letter must be sent to the Roost P.O. Box via certified mail, addressed to the Grievance Committee, and must be postmarked within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Secretary’s initial letter (see letter G, above).
- Those not agreeing to cooperate (see H.1 and 2, above) with the Grievance Committee’s investigation waive the right to appeal to the Board and will not be able to represent themselves later.
- Parties may be present only during the information-gathering part of this process; that is, while they themselves are being interviewed. They may not be present during anyone else’s interview or during the Committee’s deliberations of the incident.
- All parties involved in the complaint, all members of the Grievance Committee, and the Secretary, shall maintain strict confidentiality. No material information shall be disclosed to anyone.
I. If, during the investigation process, the Grievance Committee finds it necessary or pertinent, it may request that the Board immediately suspend the offending party from duty and/or Active Membership, pending completion of the investigation.
- Should this type of request be made to the Board, they shall meet as soon as practical to determine the merits of the request and to vote on it.
- If the Board agrees with the Grievance Committee, the offending party will be verbally notified immediately, followed by an official written notice.
J. At the conclusion of their investigation, the Grievance Committee will report to the Board and, in addition, will provide their recommendations on any potential disciplinary action. These include censure, Roost suspension, suspension of duties, or expulsion.
- Factors influencing the recommended disciplinary action shall include the severity of the incident, whether or not the Roost image has been damaged, and/or any other pertinent information.
- The Board shall consider the Grievance Committee’s recommendation and shall determine by a majority vote the final disciplinary action to be taken.
- After determining the action needed, the Board shall contact the Grievance Committee Chairperson and all affected parties (on Roost letterhead via certified mail), within thirty (30) days of the Grievance Committee’s report to the Board, informing them of the Board’s decision.
K. The Board Chairperson shall announce to the membership, at the next regularly scheduled general Membership meeting following the Board’s action, the incident, the Grievance Committee’s disciplinary recommendations to the Board, and the action taken by the Board.
L. Records may be reviewed by any member in good standing but may not be disseminated or published, except as provided for in this Article.
M. A member disagreeing with the disciplinary action taken by our Board retains the right to file a grievance with the Council of Ravens Roosts.
N. In extreme cases, a member may be suspended by the Board and subsequently expelled from membership without a hearing. These cases would only include instances where the safety of Roost members would be jeopardized if the normal procedures were followed. Expulsion under these conditions will be effective immediately, with the Membership voting on it at the next meeting. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of members present would be necessary for it to pass. Members expelled without a Roost hearing retain the right to file a grievance with the Council of Ravens Roosts.
O. Should a member be expelled from this Roost, they shall not be eligible to apply for membership again for at least a period of one (1) year, and then only if a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present approve it. Extenuating circumstances and/or subsequent record may favor an applicant for readmission.
P. The Roost values its public image and reputation with the highest regard. For that reason, complaints received from outside entities will be handled as follows:
- Complaints received by any Roost Board member from those outside the Roost, whether an individual or an organization shall be immediately forwarded to the Grievance Committee.
- All outside complaints will be treated as a grievance against the named member, or the Roost as a whole, if so named.
- As the Roost cannot require an outside entity to file their complaint in writing, verbal complaints from outside entities will be referred to the Grievance Committee for investigation.
Q. This Article shall not apply to offenses of wrongful conduct occurring prior to the effective date of these By-Laws. However, an offense may be subject to discipline under the By-Laws that were in effect at the time of its occurrence.
A. The Order of Business for Membership meetings, except when the Presiding Officer determines that it should be altered, shall be as follows.
- Call to Order and the Pledge of Allegiance
- Introduction of Guests and the Members Who Brought Them
- New Members since the Last Meeting
- Guest Speaker and/or Our Program
- Approval of the Minutes as Published in the Newsletter
- Treasurer’s Report
- President’s Comments
- Council Report
- Board of Directors’ Report
- Standing Committees’ Reports
- Special Committees’ Reports
- Elections (March only)
- Old Business
- New Business
- Thoughts and Prayers
- Adjournment
B. The reading of the Minutes and the Treasurer’s Report may not be dispensed with for more than two (2) consecutive meetings unless it is published in the monthly newsletter.
C. Regular meetings shall be held on the fourth Wednesday of the month (holiday weeks excepted) or as designated by the Board.
D. The Board shall establish a policy for cancellations and/or postponements of meetings.
E. The annual election of Officers shall be held at the Membership meeting in March.
F. A quorum of twenty-five (25) percent of the Active members and two (2) Officers must be present to call a meeting to order.
G. The President or the Board, by a majority vote, shall have the authority to call for a special meeting. Notice of a special meeting, outlining the business of that meeting, shall be sent to all members at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting date. A quorum is necessary.
H. Unless prior approval is received from the Board, no one under the age of 21 will be allowed at any meeting. The Board may, however, declare that a Roost event is either a Special Event or a Family Event.
C. Regular meetings shall be held on the fourth Wednesday of the month (holiday weeks excepted) or as designated by the Board.
D. The Board shall establish a policy for cancellations and/or postponements of meetings.
E. The annual election of Officers shall be held at the Membership meeting in March.
F. A quorum of twenty-five (25) percent of the Active members and two (2) Officers must be present to call a meeting to order.
G. The President or the Board, by a majority vote, shall have the authority to call for a special meeting. Notice of a special meeting, outlining the business of that meeting, shall be sent to all members at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting date. A quorum is necessary.
H. Unless prior approval is received from the Board, no one under the age of 21 will be allowed at any meeting. The Board may, however, declare that a Roost event is either a Special Event or a Family Event.
A. All monies that are collected by Committees shall be turned over to the Treasurer. All funds not immediately required for the operation of the Roost shall be deposited in a bank recommended by the Board.
B. All checks against the Roost account(s) that reimburse a Roost member for approved expenses related to Roost business shall be signed by two (2) officers, one (1) of which must be the Treasurer. All checks against the Roost account(s) that are written to non-Roost members to pay Roost bills/invoices require the Treasurer’s signature only. The Treasurer will have authority to use the Roost check card(s) in lieu of writing checks to pay Roost bills/invoices to non-Roost members. For exceptions, see Article IV, I, #6.
C. All invoices must be accompanied by a receipt before the Treasurer can provide payment/reimbursement.
D. The Board may donate any amount they deem reasonable to a charitable cause, but not more than once a year to the same cause. No contribution may exceed $200. All contributions will be reported to the Membership at the next meeting.
E. Contributions exceeding $200 to charitable organizations not listed in our Mission Statement shall be brought before the Membership at the next meeting for a vote of approval and a dollar amount.
F. The Board may authorize a donation of up to $500 to a Roost member in good standing who is in dire need following a catastrophic event (e.g. fire, flood, etc.).
B. All checks against the Roost account(s) that reimburse a Roost member for approved expenses related to Roost business shall be signed by two (2) officers, one (1) of which must be the Treasurer. All checks against the Roost account(s) that are written to non-Roost members to pay Roost bills/invoices require the Treasurer’s signature only. The Treasurer will have authority to use the Roost check card(s) in lieu of writing checks to pay Roost bills/invoices to non-Roost members. For exceptions, see Article IV, I, #6.
C. All invoices must be accompanied by a receipt before the Treasurer can provide payment/reimbursement.
D. The Board may donate any amount they deem reasonable to a charitable cause, but not more than once a year to the same cause. No contribution may exceed $200. All contributions will be reported to the Membership at the next meeting.
E. Contributions exceeding $200 to charitable organizations not listed in our Mission Statement shall be brought before the Membership at the next meeting for a vote of approval and a dollar amount.
F. The Board may authorize a donation of up to $500 to a Roost member in good standing who is in dire need following a catastrophic event (e.g. fire, flood, etc.).
A. Amendments to these By-Laws shall be submitted on a copy of the Proposal for By-Law Change form that is attached to this document. Forms are also available from the By-Laws Committee. After it is filled out and signed, it should be given to the Chairperson of the By-Laws Committee. Changes also may be presented to any By-Laws Committee member or a member of the Board.
B. The By-Laws Chairperson will call a meeting of the Committee to discuss the proposed amendment change.
- They will check to see if the proposed amendment is in conflict with an existing By-Law. If it is not, they will discuss the merits of the change.
- If the Committee feels that editing is needed, the proposal will be returned to the submitter with recommendations, comments, or requests for revision.
C. If the proposed amendment is accepted, it will then be submitted to the Board for presentation at the next Membership meeting.
- The proposed change must be announced to the Membership during two (2) meetings and must be published in the newsletter at least once before being voted on. This will give members a chance to become familiar with the proposal. After the second reading of the proposed change, the floor will be opened for discussion of said change, if desired by the Membership. Minor adjustments that do not affect the intent of the change to the published proposed change may be made prior to the vote.
- The Membership vote will decide whether to accept or reject the proposed changes.
- A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by the members present at a meeting is required for passage of a proposed amendment.
D. If a proposed amendment is rejected by the Committee, the presenter has the right to request that it is brought up at a Membership meeting. If a simple majority vote approves the proposal, it will go through the procedure listed above in C.1, C.2, and C.3.
E. No change may be submitted directly to the Membership unless it is first rejected by the By-Laws Committee.
F. The same or a similar amendment change may not be submitted more than once to the Committee or directly to the Membership during any twelve (12) month period.
G. The only exception to this Amendment Section is that the Roost cannot be dissolved by a change to these By-Laws.
G. The only exception to this Amendment Section is that the Roost cannot be dissolved by a change to these By-Laws.
A. The Roost shall exist as long as twelve (12) members are willing to continue to uphold these By-Laws.
B. In the event the Roost is dissolved, all monies and properties of the Roost shall be donated to one or more local charitable organizations, according to the wishes of the remaining member.
C. The Roost 50 Charter shall be returned to the Council of Ravens Roosts, who will revoke it.
D. All the provisions (A, B, C, and D) in this Article shall never be altered or erased by any amendment to these By-Laws.
B. In the event the Roost is dissolved, all monies and properties of the Roost shall be donated to one or more local charitable organizations, according to the wishes of the remaining member.
C. The Roost 50 Charter shall be returned to the Council of Ravens Roosts, who will revoke it.
D. All the provisions (A, B, C, and D) in this Article shall never be altered or erased by any amendment to these By-Laws.
Appointed -- The Board of Directors appoints Roost members to all Committees, except the By-Laws, Election, and Grievance Committees.
Approved -- Roost members must volunteer for the By-Laws, Election, and Grievance Committees. The Board cannot appoint these members, only accept them. Only a vote of the Membership can remove them.
Censure -- Applies to minor offenses. It would involve a letter of reprimand and/or a probationary period. This letter would outline additional disciplinary actions that could be taken if further offences occur.
Charitable Cause -- Any person or group of people with a financial need to whom we make a one-time contribution.
Charter -- A document from the Council of Ravens Roosts giving Roost 50 approval to call itself a Baltimore Ravens Roost.
Closed Session -- A meeting of the Board at which no one else is allowed to attend because of the confidential nature of the agenda.
Expulsion -- The most serious disciplinary action than can be imposed on a member who has violated our By-Laws. Any one who has received this disciplinary action will no longer be a member of this Roost and there will be no refund of dues.
Family Event -- Any event at which children are encouraged to attend, such as, but not limited to, picnics and Christmas parties.
Good Standing -- A member whose dues are paid in full and who currently is not under disciplinary action.
Postmarked -- The date printed on the e-mail page by the computer or the date the Post Office stamps on the envelope.
Quorum -- The number of members needed at a meeting in order to conduct the business of our Roost. For this document, it is 25% of our Membership and at least two (2) Officers.
Roost-leased Property -- The location where the Roost holds monthly Membership meetings, or any other property on which we pay rent.
Roost-sanctioned Events -- All activities for the promotion of the Roost, Charity Fund Raisers, and functions that involve the sale of tickets where the Roost can have reasonable control and responsibility over attendees shall be deemed a Roost-sanctioned event. In addition, Council functions and all related Council activities shall also be defined as a Roost-sanction event.
Roost Year -- The period from first of April until the end of the following March. It coincides with the Board’s term of office.
Selected Charitable Organizations -- The main, ongoing, recipients of our collected funds, as listed in our Mission Statement
Special Event -- A party, dance, etc., at which non-members of the Roost are allowed to attend. Any age limitation will be announced in advance.
Suspension -- A disciplinary action where a member is prohibited from attending any Roost events and must relinquish all Roost privileges and voting rights for a defined period. The member’s obligation to pay dues shall continue.
Suspension of Duties -- A disciplinary action where the Board may suspend the duties of one of its members with just cause. This temporary suspension of duties shall last no more than thirty (30) days without an official investigation.
Temporarily Incapacitated -- The inability to perform the duties of an office for a limited period, not to exceed ninety (90) days.
Approved -- Roost members must volunteer for the By-Laws, Election, and Grievance Committees. The Board cannot appoint these members, only accept them. Only a vote of the Membership can remove them.
Censure -- Applies to minor offenses. It would involve a letter of reprimand and/or a probationary period. This letter would outline additional disciplinary actions that could be taken if further offences occur.
Charitable Cause -- Any person or group of people with a financial need to whom we make a one-time contribution.
Charter -- A document from the Council of Ravens Roosts giving Roost 50 approval to call itself a Baltimore Ravens Roost.
Closed Session -- A meeting of the Board at which no one else is allowed to attend because of the confidential nature of the agenda.
Expulsion -- The most serious disciplinary action than can be imposed on a member who has violated our By-Laws. Any one who has received this disciplinary action will no longer be a member of this Roost and there will be no refund of dues.
Family Event -- Any event at which children are encouraged to attend, such as, but not limited to, picnics and Christmas parties.
Good Standing -- A member whose dues are paid in full and who currently is not under disciplinary action.
Postmarked -- The date printed on the e-mail page by the computer or the date the Post Office stamps on the envelope.
Quorum -- The number of members needed at a meeting in order to conduct the business of our Roost. For this document, it is 25% of our Membership and at least two (2) Officers.
Roost-leased Property -- The location where the Roost holds monthly Membership meetings, or any other property on which we pay rent.
Roost-sanctioned Events -- All activities for the promotion of the Roost, Charity Fund Raisers, and functions that involve the sale of tickets where the Roost can have reasonable control and responsibility over attendees shall be deemed a Roost-sanctioned event. In addition, Council functions and all related Council activities shall also be defined as a Roost-sanction event.
Roost Year -- The period from first of April until the end of the following March. It coincides with the Board’s term of office.
Selected Charitable Organizations -- The main, ongoing, recipients of our collected funds, as listed in our Mission Statement
Special Event -- A party, dance, etc., at which non-members of the Roost are allowed to attend. Any age limitation will be announced in advance.
Suspension -- A disciplinary action where a member is prohibited from attending any Roost events and must relinquish all Roost privileges and voting rights for a defined period. The member’s obligation to pay dues shall continue.
Suspension of Duties -- A disciplinary action where the Board may suspend the duties of one of its members with just cause. This temporary suspension of duties shall last no more than thirty (30) days without an official investigation.
Temporarily Incapacitated -- The inability to perform the duties of an office for a limited period, not to exceed ninety (90) days.